Financial Reports

Check Registers/Recent Financial Information

With the conversion to a new financial system on July 1, 2019, the School Board agenda each month has both a Check Register and Purchase Card Statements as part of the consent agenda for the previous month.  The consent agenda also contains the previous month's financial statements and any budget transfers done during that month. This link will take you to the School Board agenda website.

Most Recent Quarterly Financial Report (December 2023)

Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFRs)

The Goochland County Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFRs) are audited and include Goochland County Public Schools as a Component Unit. The Schools do not publish a separate annual financial report. Therefore, the Schools publish supplemental statistical tables to show the ten-year trend of financial information. The School Board Presentation highlights those sections of the ACFR relevant to the Schools.

VDOE/Virginia Code Required Reports