GCPS Summer Programs

Summer Camps:

Fine Arts, STEM , & Robotics

Does your child like to be creative and explore? Our morning camps offer hands-on activities that will engage and satisfy the curious mind!

Fine Arts Camp for rising 3rd - 5th grade students (current 2nd - 4th graders):

Dates: TBD


Robotics Camp for rising 6th - 8th grade students (current 5th - 7th graders):

Dates: TBD


STEM Camp for current PreK - 8th grade students:

Dates: TBD


All camps run from 8:30AM to 11:45AM and will be held at Goochland Middle School.




This summer, GCPS is offering a Kindergarten Readiness Camp at no cost to families. This program aims to provide rising Kindergarten students the skills necessary to successfully begin their academic careers. Students will be selected to attend through Kindergarten registration.

Dates: TBD

Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM



Summer learning in Goochland offers an opportunity for students who need a little extra academic boost in reading and/or math before the new school year begins. Our half-day elementary program runs for 15 days and will provide our students falling into the 30th-45th percentile on the MAP assessments with academics that will strengthen their skills in core areas at no cost to families. Summer focus will be on reading and math.

Dates: TBD

Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM


Middle School

Our free half-day program will provide our students with academics that will strengthen their skills in core areas.


Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM


High School


This program provides Standards of Learning (SOL) remediation at no cost to families for secondary students in need of obtaining a verified credit. Generally, this is a 4-day program that culminates in students retaking an SOL assessment required for graduation.


Time: 8:30AM - 11:45AM



This free program provides a blended learning approach to curriculum for students who are looking to recover course credit and/or a verified SOL credit.

Dates: TBD

Time: 8:00AM - 12:00PM


DRIVER'S ED (Classroom Component - does not include Behind the Wheel)

This 30-hour course is taught in-person by a certified GCPS teacher and will satisfy the classroom component required for a student to obtain a driver's license for a fee once a student completes Behind the Wheel at a certified driving school. Transportation to and from this program will not be provided.

Dates: TBD

Time: 9:30AM - 3:30PM

Location: Goochland Middle School (GHS will be offline this summer due to a few capital improvement projects.)

Tuition: $100

Summer 2024 Credit Accrual Course & Driver's Ed Registration Form


This summer, we are offering the following virtual courses toward credit accrual: Health/PE 9, Health/PE 10, Economics and Personal Finance, English 12, and Government. For a fee, all courses will be delivered online using Apex, a self-paced online learning platform.

Health/PE Credit Accrual Courses

In addition to the online component, both Health/PE courses have a physical activity component that will count toward a student's final grade.

First Aid/CPR training for Health/PE 9 students is required for graduation. To accommodate busy schedules during the summer, training will be provided at no cost on two separate dates. Students have the option to attend either session. If students cannot attend or opt not to attend either session, it will be the responsibility of the student and parent to obtain training that satisfies this graduation requirement. Students who are certified in First Aid/CPR may waive this requirement pending approval by the student's school counselor. Proof of certification is required. Please see training details below.

IMPORTANT: All GCPS students who attend Maggie L. Walker Governor's School and are interested in enrolling in Health/PE in the summer are required to take Health/PE through Maggie L. Walker Governor's School.

CPR Training for Health/PE Credit Accrual Courses




Fee: No cost to students enrolled in Health/PE credit accrual courses

Economics & Personal Finance Credit Accrual Course

Economics and Personal Finance is a graduation requirement. Many students opt to take this rigorous course in the summer to open up their school year schedule for other electives. This class will be offered virtually to rising 9th - rising 12th grade students (i.e., students who will be in grades 9-12 during the 2024-2025 school year).

English 12 & Government Credit Accrual Course

English 12 and Government will be offered virtually to a select group of students determined by school counseling.

Credit Accrual Course Dates/Fees


Location: virtual (asynchronous); however, there may be a requirement for limited participation onsite at Goochland High School (TBD by the teacher).

Tuition: Current GCPS Students $280/course, in-county resident $280/course, out-of-county $499/course

Three scholarships are available to eligible GCPS students on a first-come, first-served basis. Find eligibility form here.

Summer 2024 Credit Accrual Course & Driver's Ed Registration Form

Enrollment for GCPS students opens April 18, 2025 and closes June 9, 2025. Enrollment for all other students opens June 2, 2025 and closes on June 9, 2025.

Please remit payment online here beginning April 18, 2025 along with the registration form prior to or by the end of the business day on June 9, 2025, to be placed on the roster. A registration form received without payment does not guarantee enrollment in the course.

Due to the academic rigor of the online courses and time constraints of the summer program, students will only be permitted to take one credit accrual course per summer unless permission is granted by the school counselor, principal, and parent.

Please contact Ms. Raenell Foster for any questions regarding registration or payment at rfoster@glnd.k12.va.us.

Virtual Informational Meeting for the Credit Accrual Virtual Program will be April 17, 2025 from 6:00PM to 6:30PM. Please click on the link or dial the phone number below to join.

Meeting ID: meet.google.com/zmw-yyfv-uhe

Phone Numbers: (‪US‬)‪+1 650-597-2455‬ PIN: ‪562 676 958#‬

Link to Presentation

Virtual VA Summer School Classes

Goochland County Public Schools will be utilizing Virtual Virginia this summer to provide credit accrual course options for high school students that are not offered through the summer credit accrual program at GCPS. 

Virtual Virginia summer school is for credit accrual only, not recovery of failed classes. Students should be motivated, task-driven, and should plan to spend approximately 4-5 hours per day on a course. Students may take a maximum of 2 courses (8-10 hours per day for two courses). Please contact your child's school counselor at GHS for more information about these summer courses.

Cohort 1 Course Offerings
Cohort 2 Course Offerings

Registration: February 26, 2025- June 4, 2025  Registration Form

Dates: Cohort 1 (June 3, 2025- July 11, 2025) or Cohort 2 (June 17, 2025-July 25, 2025)


Per Va. Code § 22.1-289.030, GCPS Intersession and summer programs are operating through Goochland County Schools as programs that are exempt from licensure. All programs include basic health and safety requirements. Please note that there is no direct oversight by the Virginia Department of Education.

professional photo of Christin East

Christin East, Ed.D.

Division Coordinator of Student Programming

